Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: Master’s Programs

A Master's program, like one of Chemistry, Physiology, or Public Health, can bolster a weaker transcript. And because some Master’s programs involve research and a thesis, a strong performance shows your ability to thrive in an in-depth program. Of note, your Master's GPA counts separately from your undergraduate GPA. 

A client of ours pursued an MS in Human Nutrition. Her goal was to learn more about public health nutrition and use that experience to apply to medical school with not only a stronger transcript but deeper knowledge of an area of great interest to her.

If, like our client, you're eager to expand your knowledge of a specific area or better prepare for a competitive and collaborative environment, earning an advanced degree might be for you. A Master's program can also hook you up with a helpful mentor. 

As mentioned in the post-bacc blog, Princeton University offers a short list of post-bacc and master’s programs that highlights elite schools


Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: An Overview

Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: Post-Baccalaureate Certification

Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: Special Master’s Programs