MBA Re-Applicants are Highly Valued by Admissions Committees

So, the last application cycle did not work out in the way you’d hoped. Perhaps you didn’t receive a seat at your dream school or within your desired geographic area. Whatever your experience, you now find yourself thinking about re-applying to business school. Follow along on the blog this week, as we cover the steps you will want to take for a successful re-applicant journey. While the disappointment may sting, the good news is that business schools will highly value you, as a re-applicant, for your persistence and tenacity.

Before you begin the re-applicant process, assess your initial application effort. Did you receive any acceptances, or waitlist offers? What components of your application were weak?

  • Consider your school selection. Did you apply only to elite or reach programs? 

  • Did your GMAT/GRE score and undergraduate GPA fall within the average ranges for admitted applicants at your preferred schools?

  • Did your application materials present your strongest case? Were your written materials clear, grammatically correct, and polished? Did your resume accurately reflect your academic and professional qualifications? Did your essay responses adequately demonstrate your commitment to an MBA, as well as show the reader your abilities in innovation (critical/creative thinking and problem solving) and/or leadership and/or teamwork?

  • When in the cycle did you apply? Applying later (after the January deadlines) can negatively impact an otherwise qualified candidate.