Take Care of Yourself

This isn't advice you expected to get from us, we know. And we're not going to share any simplistic Instagram #selfcare adages here—but if you're going to dedicate your life to healthcare, start at home.

This might seem like a non-priority right now, but it is serious. Medical students have a significantly higher rate of mental illness than similarly aged postsecondary graduates, according to a 2019 study in Academic Medicine. One harrowing quote: "Higher rates of distress and burnout in physicians and medical learners have been linked to poor academic performance, increased thoughts of dropping out of medical school, lower levels of professionalism, decreased empathy, increased medical errors, increased substance abuse, and increased suicidal ideation."

Preparing yourself for the intensity of applying to and attending medical school is important. Practicing mindfulness, getting rest, and being a person in the world are part of being ready for a rigorous academic environment. This week we’ll highlight some of these healthy behaviors.

Stay social. This is not to say that you should be partying the night before retaking your MCAT. But you do need to leave your desk—or at least have a Zoom that isn't a study group. Even if you're a natural introvert, if you want to be a physician, you will benefit from speaking to people regularly. This advice might not apply to you—you could be a social butterfly. But trust us, some applicants need to hear it, including one of our all-time favorites. (Yes, we have favorites.) Keeping your relationships strong also provides a safety net in hard times and helps you to be empathetic and less self-centered.

Letters of Recommendation: What to Avoid

Provide Your Recommenders With Specific Examples

The weakest type of letter is one that is too general—that lists your qualities but doesn't show them. The illustrative stories you provide (and you can do this in a bulleted list) should be unique for each recommender and should highlight the qualities you want the recommender to expand upon. These inputs will allow you to subtly influence the recommenders’ output and ensure the recommendation letters include concrete and varied examples that reinforce your existing application content. 

Do Not Write Your Own Recommendation Letter

Your supervisor might say, "I'm too busy; you write it, and I'll sign it." If a potential recommender puts you in a tough spot and only agrees to submit a letter that you’ve written, it is best to move on. It is often obvious to schools when an applicant has crafted the copy because of similarities in voice to other application components. 

Letters of Recommendation: Set Your Recommenders Up for Success

Set Your Recommenders Up for Success

Give your recommenders enough time to meet your request. We suggest at least eight weeks prior to submission. It is also helpful to give each one a short portfolio of information, which should include: 

  • School names, recommendation questions, and submission date(s)

  • Method for recommendation submission (e.g., online via link)

  • Background information (academic, professional) and your future career goals

  • Illustrative anecdotes from your work with this recommender, with particular emphasis on the following topics: varied and growing work responsibilities, performance at a high level (as judged by your project managers and peers) in a team environment, personal characteristics you want to highlight (e.g., determination, intelligence, creativity and/or leadership), recognition/awards, accomplishments, and your ability to grow from constructive criticism

  • (Optional) Illustrative anecdotes from your extracurricular/personal life that will allow your recommender to show your abilities in community-building, and present you as a well-rounded, caring, approachable, and motivated person who would contribute to the MBA community

Letters of Recommendation: Think Strategically

Take a Strategic Viewpoint

If one of your essays is anchored in a story that shows the reader your critical thinking and problem-solving aptitude on a significant project, one of your recommenders could provide additional insight on this project in their letter. And, if this first letter of recommendation further emphasizes your innovation potential, the second should focus on other qualities, such as your ability to thrive in a collaborative environment. Furthermore, if you see gaps in your application, you may want to speak with one of your recommenders who could address them in his or her letter and share how you’ve grown from specific challenges.  

Letters of Recommendation: Select the Best Recommenders

Recommendation letters are not going to be what makes or breaks your MBA applications. But, if done right, a letter of recommendation can reinforce and expand upon key themes presented in other application components like your resume, essays, and short answers. This week on the blog, we’ll share some actions to take to make sure that happens.

Select the Best Recommenders

Most schools require two letters of recommendation from supervisors who have overseen your work in full-time post-baccalaureate employment. Of course, you will want to choose those you know will sing your praises, but also who can back up their claims on your abilities in the areas such as innovation, leadership, and teamwork with specific examples. The writers of your recommendation letters should know you well. Don’t ask the CEO you’ve seen in the elevator a few times because you think his title will impress admissions committees. Save requests to very senior colleagues with significant influence at a specific school (say, they're donors or members of the board) for letters of support, which they can send separate from your application to the Dean of the business school. 

Common Secondary Essay Topics: School Specific

This week on the blog we’re covering common secondary essay topics. Stay tuned for a new topic each day along with pointers on how to make the most of your response.

Why our school?

This is a place to mention courses you're excited to take, potential mentors you'd seek out, clubs you'd join, what the school's hospital affiliations and research opportunities mean to you, etc. And you want to share how those offerings are relevant to your past experiences and/or passions. If you've spent the last two years volunteering at a free clinic and doing community health outreach and the school has a brand-new mobile clinic serving the unhoused, you want to be working on it. If you aim to become an OB/GYN and Professor So-And-So just published a 10-year study on geriatric pregnancy, you want her as a mentor and to become involved in her current research.

You also might share how the school's location will set you up for the kind of career you want. Say, for example, the school is in a city, and you ultimately want to practice in an urban area. If true, you could take your reasoning one step further, saying that you want to work in the school's city or state when you're a physician. State schools love applicants who are committed to practicing in their state post-residency.

Mentioning that you find other aspects of the town or city appealing or that it is located near friends and relatives is also relevant here. Schools want to know if you have a local support system.

Similar Q: Tell us about your special interest in the campus you selected.

If a school has multiple campuses, à la The Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, they will likely ask you to choose a favorite. Again, you should share your interest in the local clinical opportunities and how the campus location relates to your career aspirations. A personal affinity for a larger or smaller city or rural campus is noteworthy too.

Common Secondary Essay Topics: Key Attributes

This week on the blog we’re covering common secondary essay topics. Stay tuned for a new topic each day along with pointers on how to make the most of your response.

What are the most important attributes a physician should possess?

Which one do you embody? This question is self-explanatory, but again, don't just tell, show. Share a story (or, better yet, more than one instance) where you exemplified an attribute that means a lot to you.

Describe a time where you worked on a team.

Teamwork is a huge part of working in medicine, so make this example count. Choose the best anecdote from your Teamwork and Collaboration Bucket in your brainstorm. Be detailed: What was your team's goal? What problem did you solve together? If the team was small, include everyone's first name. (It shows that you valued these people as collaborators.) What did each of them bring to the table? How did you delegate tasks? When did you choose to lead and when did you choose to follow? Did a conflict arise? How did you solve it? If you didn't, is there anything you would do differently if faced with that situation today?

Common Secondary Essay Topics: Adversity and Failure

This week on the blog we’re covering common secondary essay topics. Stay tuned for a new topic each day along with pointers on how to make the most of your response.

Tell us about a time you faced adversity.

This prompt can be a trap because it tempts you to be very negative. Obviously, you don't have to be all sunshine and smiles in your essay about facing adversity. But be careful not to paint yourself as pitiable or overly criticize others, even those who deserve it—let their actions speak for themselves. Present the event in detail, but you want about 80% of your answer to focus on the actions you took, lessons you learned, and how you grew through facing adversity. How did this incident affect your long-term view of something? How will it affect your future actions? How will having navigated this experience make you a better healthcare provider?

The tone to strike and structure to follow applies to other common questions, such as, "Describe a conflict you've had. How did you resolve it?" and "Reflect on a time when you had to show resilience.”

Tell us about a time you failed.

Talking about a failure or weakness can make you feel vulnerable—good. To get a little Brené Brown: Vulnerability leads to bravery. When you share a failure, you want to spend about 20% of your answer explaining what happened and 80% on what you learned and what you've done since to improve. Lastly, how are you feeling now? Hit these beats: Situation. Action. Result. You don't need to seem ever-resilient and impervious to future failure, just like you've grown.

Common Secondary Essay Topics: Mission Alignment

This week on the blog we’re covering common secondary essay topics. Stay tuned for a new topic each day along with pointers on how to make the most of your response.

What disparities in health will you try to address as a medical student and physician?

A question about health disparities and inequity could be direct like this or the topics could come up in a question about your alignment with a program's mission statement. Many schools' statements tout their commitment to addressing these issues. There are plenty of health disparities to write about; explain why you're passionate about one or two and show your knowledge of them, preferably through previous experiences. Share the steps you have already taken regarding inequities and plot out the steps you plan on taking in the future.

We had a client who went to college where Black maternal healthcare was ranked the worst in the country. While this was attributable to multiple factors, physician bias certainly played a role, she wrote. After college, she participated in several unconscious bias trainings. Discussing implicit bias raised her awareness of how dangerous it is in a healthcare setting and caused her to pause and consider where beliefs she had originated. She's going to take that practice with her throughout her career. And on campus and in her future practice, she plans to organize implicit bias trainings.

What about our mission statement resonates with you? How do or will you embody it?

A version of this question might be phrased in several long-winded ways (you'll see what we mean), but this is what they are all asking. Mission alignment matters to schools. They want to know that you share their values and will be a proactive member of their community.

Schools often hit similar themes: innovation, collaboration, and servant leadership. Health equity and social justice also frequently appear in mission statements. (Some schools have a separate question related to those topics.) Even if you're not drafting this answer yet, think about experiences you've had that involve those themes and jot down some notes. Hit up your brainstorm and find the times where you utilized critical thinking. When were you a leader? How have you been involved in social justice or what's a critical topic that you are making an effort to learn more about?

If a question like this isn't in a school's Secondaries mix, you should be looking to reflect the mission statement back to the school in your other essay responses. For example, if a school especially values collegiality, you might include a story about how you collaborated on a class project in one of your answers. (This is another example of show don't tell.)

While you should be researching schools individually to learn other specifics, AAMC has a tremendously convenient document that rounds up all allopathic schools' mission statements in one place.

Common Secondary Essay Topics: Diversity

This week on the blog we’re covering common secondary essay topics. Stay tuned for a new topic each day along with pointers on how to make the most of your response.

How will you add to the diversity of our student population?

Your response doesn't have to be about race, sexuality, or religion. (Of course, it can be.) What unique experiences and perspectives can you share? And how have you thrived in and learned from diverse environments in the past?

We had one client write about how she chose to spend her gap years between graduating college and matriculating to med school in a corporate setting. Working at a consulting firm that advised biotech and pharmaceutical companies gave her a better understanding of disease etiology and product pipelines and insights into healthcare inequity. Part of her job involved speaking with doctors and researchers from around the world; between this and working in a hectic office environment, she improved her communication skills—vital to contributing to a medical school community, never mind in her career. And her atypical premed job meant she'd bring unique knowledge and experiences to her medical school class.

A To-Do List for Your Personal Statement: See Feelings as Information

This week on the blog we’re providing you with a to-do list for your personal statement and school-specific essays. Check back frequently as we’ll provide one key area of focus each day this week. 

See feelings as information. If you can state or allude to how an experience made you feel, you will paint a dynamic picture for the admissions team. You can include "negative" emotions like fear but also positive ones like joy, camaraderie, and pride.

We don't believe in self-aggrandizing but don't self-deprecate either. We think the "pride"-vibe you're aiming for is best explained by organizational psychologist and author Adam Grant: "Downplaying your achievements is not the antidote to appearing arrogant. Humility is acknowledging your weaknesses, not denying your strengths. Generosity is elevating others, not diminishing yourself. Owning your success doesn't make you a narcissist—it makes you a role model.”

(Bonus!) Understand that you will rewrite most things. Embrace it. Know now that having to write several drafts is not a failure. It is a way to success.

A To-Do List for Your Personal Statement: Don't Avoid Fear

This week on the blog we’re providing you with a to-do list for your personal statement and school-specific essays. Check back frequently as we’ll provide one key area of focus each day this week. 

Show fear when it's applicable. Similarly, the "show no fear" image people often want to flaunt in their applications doesn't seem authentic because it isn't. You have many terrific qualities; being 100% fearless isn't one of them. You've experienced fear, whether it was about not finishing your Honors thesis on time or confronting a colleague about a sexist comment. Good. Fear helps you assess a situation, prepare yourself to address it properly, and take (sometimes very cautious) action. Addressing a fear can be quite humbling—it's another way to show vulnerability in your application. And fear can be a pathway to courage.

A To-Do List for Your Personal Statement: Show Self-awareness

This week on the blog we’re providing you with a to-do list for your personal statement and school-specific essays. Check back frequently as we’ll provide one key area of focus each day this week. 

Show that you're self-aware. Many of our clients shy away from sharing examples of their weaknesses or times they've made mistakes in their Personal Statement. But replaying a fumble is an opportunity to then share actions you took to remedy a situation and lessons you learned. That said, not every issue you present must be one that you've fully resolved. For example, say you're great at presenting ideas on paper but you have a hard time speaking up in professional settings. Likely, one beautiful, clarifying moment didn't change that forever. That's something you work on over a long period. You may share an anecdote where you spoke well in front of an intimidating group and how you prepared to do it. Then say how you will continue improving your verbal communication skills and how you plan to exercise that muscle regularly in the future. That's a stronger, more realistic take than "I will never have this problem again!”

A To-Do List for Your Personal Statement: Remember what Resonates

This week on the blog we’re providing you with a to-do list for your personal statement and school-specific essays. Check back frequently as we’ll provide one key area of focus each day this week. 

Remember what resonates most with reviewers. Passion. Depth of Impact. Potential. We probably don't need to explain passion to you. Depth of impact means expressing how much an experience and your actions during it changed things within you and/or outside of you. Potential is you exemplifying one or more qualities that medical, law, or business schools admire: Leadership, collaboration, critical thinking, etc. You know these from your brainstorm “buckets."


Your Med School Application: Build a Brainstorm Document

Your Law School Application: Build a Brainstorm Document

Your MBA Application: Build a Brainstorm Document

A To-Do List for Your Personal Statement: Emphasize Past Experiences

This week on the blog we’re providing you with a to-do list for your personal statement and school-specific essays. Check back frequently as we’ll provide one key area of focus each day this week. 

Emphasize past experiences. Focus on what you've done more than on what you want to do. So many of our clients think their essays should exclusively be about their fantasy future. But this isn't a magic carpet ride. Your rug must be on the ground. What you have accomplished and learned is the only proof that you are committed to the study and practice of medicine, law, or business. (We use that phrase a lot because you should be reinforcing this commitment throughout your application.) 

Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia

UVA’s Darden School of Business has released its 2024-2025 application deadlines and required essays. 

Round Application Deadline   Decision Notification

Early Action 05 September 2024       16 October 2024

Round 1         02 October 2024       11 December 2024

Round 2         07 January 2025         12 March 2025             

Round 3         02 April 2025               30 April 2025

The essay prompts at UVA’s Darden showcase the value the school places on understanding the student as a full person. Rather than just focusing on career goals, the required essay prompts seek out insights into an applicant’s personality and ability to contribute to an inclusive and cohesive class. Darden calls out the importance of responding to the prompts with writing that is “authentic and genuine,” cautioning students not to attempt to write to please the admissions officers. “We want to get to know you,” they write, “not us.” 

Community of Belonging: What would you want your classmates to know about you that is not on your resume? (100 words)

It’s time to show some personality! Darden is looking for students who will be collaborative and form lasting personal and professional relationships, so exposing a bit of vulnerability to show a quirky or sentimental side is a good idea. You could also write about how you will contribute to the diversity of the class and what you will offer your classmates. Are you a passionate environmentalist who spends weekends leading group hikes? Do you organize food drives with a local non-profit? Do you spend all of your vacation time traveling to a specific region of the world? Are you an avid guitar player? Show the admissions committee and your future classmates who you are and what you are most passionate about.

Inclusive Impact: Please describe a tangible example that illuminates your experience promoting an inclusive environment and what you would bring to creating a welcoming, global community at Darden. (300 words)

Show Darden’s admissions officers how you will contribute to building an inclusive community by anchoring your response in an experience from your past that will inform and invigorate your plan. It may be something on a large-scale: Did you start a pro-bono consulting group at your current employer, bringing together representatives from various practice areas, and you’d like to partner with a local organization to offer similar services alongside a group of your Darden colleagues? Or what about steps you take on a weekly basis to include others? Do you regularly invite new coworkers to lunch with you to welcome them to the team? Or serve as a mentor for team-members as they get up to speed on new projects? Once at Darden, perhaps you could serve as a tutor to classmates struggling in finance or technology courses. In linking your past actions to your proposed contributions, you will demonstrate to the admissions directors that you are the kind of collaborative, community-minded, and determined student they are looking for.

Required Essay 2: Careers With Purpose. 

At this time how would you describe your short-term, post-MBA goal in terms of industry, function, geography, company size and/or mission and how does it align with the long-term vision you have for your career? (200 words)

You’ll want to state a clear post-MBA goal that makes sense given your previous professional post-baccalaureate experiences. A common mistake we see in MBA admissions is applicants who, unknowingly, position themselves as an employment risk by articulating a goal set that is too vague or unrelated to what they’ve done before. You will also want to clearly show how your short-term goals will set you on a path to achieving your long-term vision. 


Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Writing Process

Essay Guide 2024-2025: Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley

Essay Guide 2024-2025: Harvard Business School

Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University

HBS to Require GMAT Focus Test-Takers to Submit Additional GMAC Writing Assessment

Harvard Business School has announced that MBA applicants who submit a GMAT Focus score and advance to the interview round will also need to take the GMAC Business Writing Assessment. MIT Sloan, too, is now going to require some MBA applicants who apply with a GMAT Focus score or test waiver, to take the writing assessment upon advancing to an interview. 

These programs’ decisions are the result of GMAC removing the writing section from the GMAT Focus, just as the value of a third-party validated writing sample increased due to the proliferation of AI and ChatGPT. 

GMAC’s Business Writing Assessment is 30 minutes in length at a cost of $30, which brings the GMAT’s total length to two hours and 45 minutes and total cost to $305. GRE test-takers, who will not need to submit additional materials as the shortened test has retained the writing component, will face a total test time of one hour and 58 minutes, at a total cost of $220. 

Related: Essay Guide 2024-2025: Harvard Business School

Johns Hopkins Medical School to Go Tuition Free

Johns Hopkins University just became the latest medical school to announce plans to go tuition-free after a $1 Billion gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies. 

Starting in the fall, Johns Hopkins medical students from families that earn under $300,000 per year, which includes 95 percent of all Americans, will receive free tuition. Medical students from families earning under $175,000 annually will receive financial aid that covers living expenses in addition to tuition and fees. Approximately two-thirds of current and entering medical students will qualify and will receive their updated financial aid packages over the summer. 

"As the U.S. struggles to recover from a disturbing decline in life expectancy, our country faces a serious shortage of doctors, nurses, and public health professionals—and yet, the high cost of medical, nursing, and graduate school too often bars students from enrolling," said Michael Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies and Bloomberg L.P and 1964 graduate of Johns Hopkins. "By reducing the financial barriers to these essential fields, we can free more students to pursue careers they're passionate about—and enable them to serve more of the families and communities who need them the most."

The gift will also fund expanded financial aid for other graduate health programs, including students at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Nursing, as well as those pursuing graduate degrees at the Johns Hopkins schools of Education, Engineering, Business, Arts and Sciences, and Advanced International Studies, the Peabody Institute, and the School of Government and Policy. 

This donation to Johns Hopkins by Bloomberg Philanthropies expands upon a 2018 donation of $1.8 Billion to support undergraduate financial aid. 

Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University

The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University recently released its 2024-2025 application deadlines. The required essay prompts are unique in nature, and prospective students will benefit from getting started with brainstorming and drafting early. 

Round Application Deadline   Decision Notification

Early Action 04 September 2024       18 October 2024

Round 1         01 October 2024       12 December 2024

Round 2         09 January 2025         14 March 2025             

Round 3         20 February 2025   04 April 2025 

Round 4 03 April 2025               08 May 2025

The essay prompts at Duke showcase the value the school places on creating a diverse and cohesive class. They emphasize the importance of admitting students who are a good fit for the program, with the website calling out that “Finding the right fit is important—for you, and for Fuqua—so the admissions process for each of our programs is designed to ensure we learn about each other.” A significant portion of the essay word counts are in service to learning about the applicant as a full person and to understanding how the applicant would fit into and contribute to the student body at Fuqua. 

Required Short-answer Essay: What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan. (100 words)

Don’t overthink this question. State a clear post-MBA goal using straight-forward terminology that a fellow MBA would understand. A common mistake we see in MBA admissions is applicants who, unknowingly, position themselves as an employment risk by articulating a goal set that is too vague or unrelated to any of their past experiences.

Required Essay 1: 25 random things about yourself.

The 'Team Fuqua' spirit and community is one of the things that sets the MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. Please share with us “25 Random Things” about you. The Admissions Committee wants to get to know YOU - beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. Share with us important life experiences, your hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are. (750 words maximum. Please present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be brief, while others may be longer.)

Duke believes that their program is best-served by putting together a diverse community from each applicant class and that “different types of people, points of view, and experiences bring out the best in everyone.” 

For this one, you will be sharing your outside-of-work self, and you can get quirky. You don’t have to relate everything to MBA-ready qualities that you have—though it’s great for some entries to speak to your values and skills. 

When it comes to this prompt, nearly everyone ends up writing something about a travel experience, a story about childhood ends up in the mix, as does a mention of time spent on an extracurricular team or in a club. That’s all fantastic. But after this, some folks hit a wall and don’t know what else to include to strike the right balance and tone. Twenty-five is a large number, so really do a wide search of yourself: Have you written a poem you’re proud of? Were you an Eagle Scout dropout? 

You also want these entries to be illustrative. So, not just, "I love dumplings." But, "I'm on the hunt for the best dumplings in NYC. So far, my favorite spot is White Bear in Flushing." Instead of writing, "I love non-fiction.", you might write, "I love non-fiction. I'm currently reading The Black Count, about Alexandre Dumas's father." You have 750 words to work with, so you have room to share more info in your favorite entries. So, does making Italian food bring back fond childhood memories of your grandmother’s kitchen? Details like this not only show admissions counselors your love of chicken piccata but also of family and your heritage.

Required Essay 2: The Fuqua community and you.

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and to the development of leaders. Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, what are 3 ways you expect to contribute at Fuqua? (500 words maximum).

Show Fuqua’s admissions officers how you will be a valued member of their community by anchoring your response in experiences from your past that will inform and invigorate your plan. 

Are you a passionate environmentalist who has spent your career in corporate social responsibility and hopes to spearhead a new student-led sustainability case competition for full-time MBA students? Did you start a pro-bono consulting group at your current employer, and you’d like to partner with a local organization to offer similar services alongside a group of your Fuqua colleagues? Consider also some of the clubs and activities that already exist at Fuqua. How will you get involved and contribute? In linking your passions and expertise to your proposed contributions, you will demonstrate to the admissions directors that you are the kind of collaborative, community-minded, and determined student they are looking for. 

Optional essay: Tell us more.

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance). Note that you should NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The Optional Information section is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only. (500 words maximum)

This essay is for additional context around a weak spot in your application. Did you get a C in calculus? Or withdraw from your courses your sophomore year to help a family member? Do you feel that your lackluster GMAT score isn’t indicative of your abilities?

If you are going to address a low grade in an analytical course or a low GMAT score, don’t make excuses. Spend the majority of your word count demonstrating your ability to excel in rigorous academic or professional environments by using specific examples. Provide information on similar classes in which you achieved excellent grades or give details about a professional pursuit that resulted in success.

If you are speaking to a more sensitive situation, perhaps a big mistake or legal issue that impacted your GPA, spend approximately 20 percent of your essay addressing the situation. Then use the remaining 80 percent on the actions you took to improve and what happened as a result. Do not make excuses, simply address the situation, placing the emphasis on what you learned. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, taking accountability and moving forward demonstrates maturity.


Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Writing Process

Essay Guide 2024-2025: Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley

Essay Guide 2024-2025: Harvard Business School

Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School 2024-2025 Round One application deadline is among the earliest. Let’s get started!

Round Application Deadline   Decision Notification

Round 1         04 September 2024       10 December 2024

Round 2         03 January 2025         21 April 2025             

Round 3         02 April 2025   13 May 2025 

*Deferred        23 April 2025               01 July 2025

*Deferred applicants apply during their final year of study at an undergraduate or graduate institution. They are expected to pursue quality work experiences for two to four years and then enter into the Wharton MBA program.  

The founding vision of the Wharton School was “using analytical expertise to produce well-rounded leaders to drive societal progress,” and Dean Erika James states that this remains the school’s ethos. A review of Wharton’s strategic plan, The Wharton Way, also identifies three strategic areas of focus for the school. These include: Elevation of its research; Pedagogical innovation; and Collaboration across divides. Understanding the school’s strategic direction will assist you in making a strong case that you belong there.  

Wharton receives a large number of applicants each year, most of whom have excellent undergraduate transcripts, post-baccalaureate work experience, and standardized test scores. Because of this, key points of differentiation for the Admissions Committee are applicants’ essay responses and their performance in the team-based interview. 

The 2024-2025 Wharton essay prompts are the same as last year. 

Essay 1: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

This prompt asks you to explain how a Wharton MBA will bridge your past accomplishments and your future goals. To do this, you will want to anchor this essay in the past. Because what you’ve already done, learned, and achieved is far more important than what you haven’t—what you say you want to do in the future. In order to fully satisfy the objective of this prompt, go into your backstory and detail the key moments that influenced you and the formation of your goals. Then transition into what you have yet to learn, and why a Wharton MBA is your next step. Prove to them that their program is the perfect intersection between where you’ve been and where you want to go. Which courses, professors, experiential learning opportunities, etc. are most interesting to you? Choose three or four that differentiate Wharton from other business schools you’re considering and explain why you’re so eager to engage and participate. This essay is about connecting the dots; once the reader has taken the trip to your past, your proposed path forward will make much more sense.

Essay 2: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

Show Wharton’s admissions officers how you will be a valued member of their community by anchoring your response in experiences from your past that will inform and invigorate your plan. Are you a passionate environmentalist who has spent your career in corporate social responsibility and hopes to spearhead a new sustainability case competition for full-time MBA students? Were you part of a years-long organizational behavior research study in undergrad and hope to find a research mentor in that department at Wharton? Did you start a pro-bono consulting group at your current employer, and you’d like to partner with a local organization to offer similar services alongside a group of your Wharton colleagues? In linking your passions and expertise to your proposed contributions, you will demonstrate to the admissions directors that you are the kind of collaborative, community-minded, and determined student they are looking for. 

Required Essay for all Reapplicants: Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

Use this essay prompt to show Wharton’s admissions officers how you have grown over the past year. Describe the experiences you have engaged in, since your last application, and how they have driven professional and/or personal growth. You will also want to explain the reasons behind your re-application and reiterate why Wharton is the MBA program for you. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and polished. 

Optional Essay: Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (500 words)

This essay is for additional context around a weak spot in your application. Did you get a C in calculus? Or withdraw from your courses your sophomore year to help a family member? Do you feel that your lackluster GMAT score isn’t indicative of your abilities?

If you are going to address a low grade in an analytical course or a low GMAT score, don’t make excuses. Spend the majority of your word count demonstrating your ability to excel in rigorous academic or professional environments by using specific examples. Provide information on similar classes in which you achieved excellent grades or give details about a professional pursuit that resulted in success.

If you are speaking to a more sensitive situation, perhaps a big mistake or legal issue that impacted your GPA, spend approximately 20 percent of your essay addressing the situation. Then use the remaining 80 percent on the actions you took to improve and what happened as a result. Do not make excuses, simply address the situation, placing the emphasis on what you learned. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, taking accountability and moving forward demonstrates maturity.


Essay Guide 2024-2025: The Writing Process

Essay Guide 2024-2025: Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley

Essay Guide 2024-2025: Harvard Business School